Supplier Standard for Responsible Mica Sourcing 负责任云母采购的供应商标准

2023-07-19 08:45:57 浙江荣泰电工器材股份有限公司 浏览次数 1576

1.0 Purpose 目的

This Supplier Standard for Responsible Mica Sourcing (“Standard”) supplements Glorymica Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) by providing additional detail regarding mica, and the use of mica for goods, sold to Glorymica or Glorymica’s Suppliers. Glorymica’s Suppliers shall meet this Standard to be in compliance with the Code. The terms and conditions of the Code are incorporated in this Standard, and this Standard shall govern and be deemed to modify the Code if there are any conflicting provisions. The Standard shall be incorporated into all legal contracts with suppliers.


2.0 Scope 范围

This Standard applies to all Glorymica suppliers, their subcontractors, and their next-tier suppliers (each a “Supplier”; collectively, “Suppliers”) producing mica1 containing material or goods for use in Glorymica’s products or providing services in connection with Glorymica’s products that contain mica. This Standard describes restrictions applicable to all mica containing goods to ensure that the materials, components and procurement and production processes for goods sold to Glorymica or Glorymica’s Suppliers comply with the provisions of the Glorymica Supplier Code of Conduct. Any questions regarding this Standard should be directed to the Corporate Social Responsibility Office at



3.0 Supplier Code of Conduct Requirements 供应商行为准则要求

Suppliers shall exercise due diligence in accordance with the Chinese Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (the “Chinese Guidance and OECD Guidance”), on their entire supply chain with respect to the sourcing of all mica, contained in their products, to determine whether mica is from the Democratic Republic of the  Congo (the “DRC”) or any other identified high risk areas and, if so, to determine whether the mica directly or indirectly finance human rights abuses especially worst forms of child labour. 


 Suppliers shall satisfy the reporting and sourcing requirements of this Standard. Glorymica reserves the right to audit Suppliers for compliance as described in the Glorymica Supplier Code of Conduct.


4.0  Supplier Responsibility Standards  供应商责任标准

 4.1  High-Risk Area Minerals Restriction 高风险地区矿产资源限制

Suppliers that produce goods containing mica must adopt Glorymica Supply Chain Policy for a Responsible Global Supply Chain of Minerals from High-Risk Areas (the “Supply Chain Policy”) that is consistent with the Code. Suppliers must distribute their mineral supply chain policy to all of their subcontractors and suppliers that provide materials for the process or manufacture of goods. 


Suppliers may only use mica, in processes and goods if the Supplier can reasonably demonstrate that it has exercised due diligence in accordance with the Chinese Guidance/OECD Guidance to identify and address the Worst Forms of Child Labour in the minerals supply chain regarding the source and chain of custody of such micaand satisfied the reporting and sourcing requirements of this Standard. 

供应商只有在下列情况下才可以使用云母的加工品和产品,即供应商能合理证明已经按照《中国指南》、《经合组织指南》,针对云母的来源和监管链, 识别和回应了矿业供应链中最恶劣形式的童工,并满足标准中对于报告和采购的要求。

If the Supplier cannot reasonably demonstrate that (i) it has exercised due diligence in accordance with the Chinese Guidance and OECD Guidance with respect to any mica in any process or goods, and (ii) it has satisfied the reporting and sourcing requirements of this Standard, with respect to such mica, then the Supplier shall not use the affected mica in any process or goods. 

如果供应商无法合理证明 i)对任何加工或产品中含有的云母,其已经按照《中国指南》和《经合组织指南》开展了尽责管理,并且 ii)这些云母已满足本标准的报告和采购要求,则供应商不允许在任何加工或产品中使用受影响云母。

The Supplier shall provide to Glorymica reasonable documentary evidence of the Supplier’s reporting, sourcing and due diligence activities, and shall make such records available to Glorymica upon request.


Suppliers shall distribute this Standard to all relevant procurement personnel and factory management for all of the Supplier’s facilities producing goods and must ensure their facilities’ compliance with the obligations and requirements in this Standard. Suppliers that wish to request support or additional training from Glorymica may contact


4.2  Due Diligence Declaration 尽责管理声明

The Chinese Guidance establishes a framework for exercising due diligence to determine the source and chain of custody of mica.


Relevant due diligence procedures shall be used by the supplier to declare herewith:


to be fully committed to ensuring that its use and sale of mica do not contribute to the human rights abuses in high risk countries


l   to exercise due diligence on the source and chain of custody of goods containing mica in its supply chain (e.g., by application of a nationally or internationally recognized supply chain due diligence           standard such as the Chinese Guidance and OECD Guidance ); 对于供应链中含云母产品的来源和监管链开展尽责管理(例如应用已得到国家和国际认可的供应链尽责管理标准,如《中国指南》和《经合组织指南》) 。

l   to make available to Glorymicaupon Glorymica’s written requestall documentation and supporting evidence that demonstrate its due diligence measures;经荣泰书面要求,荣泰可查阅证明其尽     责管理措施的所有文件和证据。

l   to agree that Glorymica or a 3rdparty appointed by Glorymica and reasonably acceptable to supplier, shall be entitled to conduct inspections at supplier’s premises and of supplier’s supply                  chain, including transportation routes and mine sites of origin, in order to verify supplier’s compliance with the Code with full cooperation and support by supplier.供应商在合理的可接受的情况下,     应同意荣泰或荣泰指定的第三方有权在供应商场地和供应商的供应链进行检查,包括运输路线和矿区源头。并且为了核实供应商对准则的合规性,供应商应全力配合和支持。

l   to immediately notify Glorymica in case a supplier should become aware of any relevant warning signs in its supply chain indicating that any goods may not be free of human rights abuses                      especially free of the worst forms of child labor, as described in the Chinese Guidance and OECD Guidance. Supplier must immediately notify Glorymica in writing at Such                  notification must include reasonable tracking information to identify which goods may contain the affected mica. 如果供应商发现供应链中任何相关预警信号表明任何产品涉及《中国指南》和《经合组织指南》中      提到的人权侵犯尤其是最恶劣形   式的童工问题,必须立即通知荣泰。供应商必须立即写邮件到 通知荣泰。该通知必须有合理的追踪信息以识别哪些产品中可能含有受影响的云母。

l   Glorymica reserves the right to disengage business activity with any supplier who fails to meet the requirements of the Standard. 对于任何不能满足此标准要求的供应商,荣泰保留终止与其业务的权利。